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Deliver Computing 360

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Web Buster UK
Kiln Hill
Market Place
North Yorkshire

Deliver Computing 360 is made by Teachers, and tested by schools for Teachers, Students and Schools.  When a school needs a feature, we work to make it happen.  It is a bespoke system at an off-the-shelf price.  It is tested in schools as we work continually with beta-testing schools to make it what is needed in the classroom.  Some of our developers teach using it, that is why it works so well.

We also run an educational website that teaches ICT, Computer Science and Creative I-media, which schools can sign up for on a yearly basis.  It covers KS3 and KS4 and is fully mapped to the National Curriculum.  Schools sign up and student accounts are created and locked.   This is a secure learning environment fully branded to the schools and customised to fit the school ethos.

To view this site, go to: 

This site is an education and learning site.  The site asks the learner to log in,

  • Teach them specific topics (Grading them on learning),
  • Give them tasks to check their practical ability from the learning, it then marks the tasks,
  • Give them a test to check their theory knowledge and mark the test. 


Easy to use Dashboard

The web buster education dashboard is professional and easy to use.


What you get

  • 16 Key Stage 3 Units, all with lesson plans differentiated to 3 levels to ensure everyone is challenged.  There is full tracking and everything is mapped to the national curriculum.
  • Competel Key Stages 1 and 2 with lesson plans.
  • Complete Computer Science with lesson plans
  • Complete Creative I-media with lesson plans
  • Key Ofsted mapping documents and Deep Dive Dash with all deep dive CAR documents are included.




The school has an account and the student profiles are created.  This is a locked secure system, students cannot sign up.  The school admin can create additional profiles for new students. When a teacher logs in they see their group and marks from each unit.  They can then delve down to the see answers given and the marks per task and finally delve even further to see the marks per individual question or activity and compare them with other students in their school who did the same test.   A national average graph to compare your students with a combined total of every school using the system allows you to see how your students are performing nationally.


They even have free cloud storage to take work home, do it at home and bring it back.

Home Learning

  • The site allows the student or teacher to retrieve a lost username or password without the need to contact you. 
  • Assignments can be set online in a special homeworking section for those who need to work at home.  Homework and normal tasks are set under other sections to allow the student to easily see what they must do.  The student then ticks off the work once they have done it and the teacher then clicks to verify this. 
  • An instant messaging chat system allows the teacher to communicate with students to whole classes instantly and securely.

Safe Guards

Deliver Computing 360 is built to teach students how an online network works, but with key safeguards, making it an ultra-safe environment.  For example, profiles can be set up by students so they can learn the importance of profiles, but they can only select from a choice of predefined avatars and backgrounds.  This prevents harmful content but allows them to learn how to set up profiles correctly.  Our friend's system is called "Study Buddy" and allows students to learn how to set up friendships in a very safe and secure way.  The Deliver Computing 360 system is monitored by you and each individual can be blocked for misuse.  The system has a number of words and phrases which are automatically blocked for safeguarding.  You can expand this list.


Our internal secure email system even teaches students about email passwords, security codes, copy and BCC.


  • The site is fully branded to your schools, giving the students the feeling that is made for them.
  • Key school documents can be uploaded by the school admin and are specific to your school.
  • School logo, School colour scheme, Academy Logo and internal logos and policies can be added.


  • You can use live monitoring.  As your class do tests you can see what their answers are, as they are doing them. This gives you an insight into the gaps in their knowledge and allows you to act and or plan while they are busy doing the test.
  • You can look at the notes a student has made. 
  • You can look at the lesson, tasks and test papers for any student and see what they put, what the correct mark was and what feedback they were given.  Our system feedback on most key questions automatically meaning you don't need to.


Schemes of Work and Lesson Plans

  • There are full Schemes of work for every single unit.  That includes all 16 KS3 units along with KS4 Creative I-media and Computer Science.
  • Tracking documents for what is happening and when.
  • All deep dive / CAR documents are done.
  • Additional resources to aid in teaching and offering extension work.


There are over 750 "Tick as you teach" lesson plans complete with the answer for every part and a starter for each lesson.  All are in line with Ofsted requirements.




Most of the work is marked by our system.  Our system even marks essay questions.  You can override any marks if you wish.  In line with Ofsted, our site also marks the students on their learning ability.  Almost every question gives feedback and then additional feedback is given for the overall grade, this is done automatically.

When students submit coursework or if the teacher sets a piece of work, this is marked online by the teacher using our fantastic marking system that allows you to:-

  • Show the current marking status
  • Give Feedback
  • Give a Grade
  • RAG Rate
  • Get Self Assessment
  • Get Peer Assessment
  • As for it to be Re-submitted ( in which case our system keeps all versions)
  • Marks as approved.


The student is then informed of the status so they don't need to keep asking the teacher if it's been marked yet.  They are also informed when it has been marked along with the feedback, rag rating and grade given.


They can then self-assess and peer assessment can also be gained.



Mobile and Tablet Friendly

Deliver Computing 360 works on Mobiles, Tablets, Games Console Browsers, Selected Smart TV Browsers and Smart fridges.





This is a great way of bringing a group of students together, allowing them to support each other and for them to get instant feedback.  It can also be used by any educational or testing company, for example, health and safety, online exams for universities, colleges, exam boards or government.  The list just goes on.  Anyone who is offering a certificated course.


  • A yearly subscription is payable, by BACS, Credit Card or Direct Debit for Deliver Computing 360.
  • A discount is available for beta testers.
  • Licences are only available for educational establishments and individual students.

See our site: 
Covering Computer Science, ICT and Media with Business Studies on the way.

Contact us:

Email us:
Using the Contact Us form at: 
Calling us: 0330 088 4405
Writing to us at:
Web Buster UK
Kiln Hill
Market Place
North Yorkshire